

Epsilon Magazine, July 2024 — La controverse du Wood Wide Web

The Guardian Long Read, April 2024 — Mother trees and socialist forests: is the ‘wood-wide web’ a fantasy?

Nature News Feature, March 2024  — The ‘Mother Tree’ idea is everywhere — but how much of it is real?

SilviCast podcast,  January  2024 — ‘Digging into the Wood-Wide Web


La Presse, November 2023 — ‘Controverse sur les « arbres-mères » Les arbres s’entraident-ils par leurs racines ?

Earth to Humans podcast, July 2023 — ‘The rise and decay of the wood-wide web

In Defense of Plants podcast, July 2023 — ‘Seedlings in the mycorrhizal network’

Inspiring Anders Forscht, July 2023 — ‘Don’t believe everything you hear about trees! The WoodWideWeb Scandal!’

Inspiring Anders Forscht, July 2023 — ‘How these researchers made science breathe a sigh of relief! Myth WoodWideWeb!’

Popular Science , July, 2023 — ‘Are ‘Mother trees’ real?

Forest Overstory podcast, July 2023–‘Exploring the wood-wide web

The Tyee, May 2023  — Detangling the Debate on the ‘Wood Wide Web’

Science & Vie, May 2023 — ‘Le grand emballement de la science des forêts

Quebec Science, May 2023 — ‘La théorie de l’Internet des sols remise en doute, May 2023 — ‘Sprechende Bäume, die sich vor Feinden warnen, und Pilze, die ihnen dabei helfen: Gibt es das wirklich?

ABC, May 2023 — “The idea that trees can communicate via extensive networks of underground fungi is increasingly popular, but is it correct? New research casts doubt on the extent of the claim.” Starts at 11 minutes

Saltwire, March 2023 — Sadly, ‘Mother Trees’ don’t act like mothers and Avatar’s tree of souls doesn’t exist

The Gateway, March 2023 — U of A researcher refutes claims about underground fungal networks in forest trees

YourForest podcast, March 2023 — Reconsidering the wood wide web, Feb 2023 — Wood-Wide-Web“ auf dem Prüfstand

SRF, March 2023– Mythos entzaubert – Waldbäume sind weder gesprächig noch sozial

Inverse, Feb 2023 — Can Trees Actually Talk to One Another?

Radio Canada, Feb 2023 — L’entraide entre les arbres par un réseau de champignons est remise en question

Gizmodo, Feb 2023 – Does the ‘Woodwide Web’ Exist? Trees May Not Have Internet After All

Le Monde, Feb 2023 – Controverse sur la communication souterraine entre les arbres

CBC, As it Happens, Feb 2023 – As It Happens with Nil Köksal, Chris Howden (1 hour 10 m)

IQ – Wissenschaft und Forschung Magazin, Feb 2023 – Wood Wide Web Können Bäume miteinander kommunizieren?, Feb 2023 – Can a ‘wood-wide web’ of fungi really connect trees in a forest? (nice video!)

Le Figaro, Feb 2023 – Les arbres d’une forêt sont-ils vraiment connectés entre eux par un «internet des sols» ?

CBC  Edmonton AM, Feb 2023 – The popular claim that trees can talk to each other may be flawed

CBC Calgary Eyeopener, Feb 2023 – ‘remember the popular idea that trees can talk to each other? Our next guest says the science behind the claim, may be flawed. We hear why.’

Independent Tribune, Feb 2023 – Can a ‘wood-wide web’ of fungi really connect trees in a forest?

Globe and Mail, Feb 2023 – Western Canada: Study casts doubt on underground communication between trees, fungi

RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland, Feb 2023 – Reden Bäume wirklich miteinander?

Washington Post, Feb 2023 – Scientists tangle over ‘wood wide web’ connecting forests and fungi

Deutschlandfunk, Feb 2023 – Kontroverse über das Wood Wide Web

Globe and Mail, Feb 2023 – Trees communicating via fungal networks has become a popular theory. These scientists say the evidence is scarce. 

New Scientist, Feb 2023 – Do trees communicate via a ‘wood wide web’? The evidence is lacking

Scientific American, Feb 2023 – Do Trees Really Support Each Other through a Network of Fungi?

Publico, Feb 2023 – As árvores “conversam” debaixo da terra? Um novo estudo diz que não sabemos

The Conversation, Feb 2023 – Do trees really stay in touch via a ‘wood-wide web’? Here’s what the evidence says

Ole Miss News, Feb 2023 – Can Trees Communicate Underground? Maybe Not

Tek Crispy, Feb 2023 – Los árboles están conectados a una red de hongos, la “Wood Wide Web”

GuruMeditation, Feb 2023 – L’idée d’un vaste réseau de champignons reliant les arbres d’une forêt entre eux serait-elle exagérée ?

ntv, Feb 2023 – Studie hinterfragt Mythos sprechender Bäume

Interesting Engineering, Feb 2023 – Can trees talk to each other with fungal networks? Study raises doubts

science alert, Feb 2023 – Does a Vast Network of Fungi Connect Forests? Here’s What We Know., Feb 2023 – Do forest trees really ‘talk’ through underground fungi?, Feb 2023 – The claim that forest trees “talk” through underground fungi is questionable

University of Alberta Folio, Feb 2023 – Do trees really ‘talk’ to each other through underground fungal networks? 


The New York Times, Nov 2022 – Are Trees Talking Underground? For Scientists, It’s in Dispute

2020 and before

The Gateway, Dec 2020 – Looking beyond the surface: U of A study finds fungal networks benefit tree growth

University of Alberta, October 22, 2020 – Soil fungi act like a support network for trees, study shows

University of Alberta – Wildfires, logging affect fungi pine forests depend on for survival, studies show

Edmonton Journal – New federal funding allows researchers to take risks on the ‘cutting edge,’ U of A researcher says

University of Alberta –  Figuring out how climate change affects the fungi that feeds trees and absorbs carbon

University of Alberta Faculty of ALES – ALES ecologist co-leads compilation of huge soil fungi database

University of Alberta Faculty of ALES – Forest ecologists win NSERC grant to study how fungi restore pine forests

University of Alberta – Could fungi help pine forests withstand climate change?

CBC Radio, Quirks and Quarks – The Destructive Pine Beetle Poses A New Threat

University of Alberta Faculty of ALES – Young pine trees face new peril

Radio Canada International – Pine beetles: unsuspected additional threat to boreal forest

Edmonton Sun –Next generation of pine beetles threatening North America

Nature World News – Pine Beetle Attacks: Infant Pines Targeted Too

Cheryl Crouchers’s Innovation Anthology – CONRAD 2013.12: Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Communities in Aurora Capping Study